Equpping of the School

One thing the Lord had laid upon my heart was to “equip” the school with some of the basic needs. The Holy Spirit has given a wonderful way to teach various subjects: history, geography, science and language are a few of the subjects I teach on. Last year, I hand drew maps on the chalkboards. The class rooms did not have world maps. My renderings of the beautiful world the Lord created had Fiji larger than Australia, the US was a rectangle, China was a oval, and Africa was a little displaced. I had petitioned the Lord to help equip the school so the children can learn about all the tribes, tongues, and nations of the world. He provided and I was able to bring 24 world maps (beautiful laminated maps), pencils, pens, crayons, chalk, and other items for the students and teachers.. At an all school assembly, I presented the school with the “equipment” the Lord had provided. It delighted my heart to see the reactions, not only of the students, but the teachers. They were overwhelmed. They do the best that they can do with what they have. To see the Love of the Lord extended in such a way, moves even the hardest of unbelieving hearts.