Arrival in Monrovia, Liberia was after long flights and a delay in Accra, Ghana. Accomidations were made for us to stay in an area called ELWA (Everlasting Love Winning Africa). As we drove to where the house was, we realized that we were staying right on the beach… You could smell the fresh ocean air and taste the salt. What a blessing!!
In the morning we awake to a spectacular view!!! Palm trees and beautiful rolling waves. For me it was an answer to prayer. One of my hearts biggest joy is to walk on the beach in praise and worship to the Lord. It was something that I had prayed about before we left for Liberia, I was inquiring of the Lord if I could go to a place so I could walk on the beach with Him that I so loved to do… I was able to do just that.
We were also able to go Swimming in the ocean many times. Letting the waves “roll” us as we tried to body surf. Joy and delight.
Many of the locals were wondering who these crazzzzy folks were laughing so much!!!