Our vehicle eventually showed up at Noon and off we went. Since we were late in arriving at the school the children were out of class on a field trip. Another school was suggested but we had a flat tire. A repair was needed so we went to a local market.
In the back there was some benches that we set our backpacks down on and decided what to do. Some went through the market evangelizing while others stayed in back.
Before we knew it, children, the ones who could not afford school fees, came and gathered aroudn to hear us talk.
Our attention shifted from the adults to the children. Since we had rehersed a skit for our Bible lesson for the school, we decided to teach the lesson here in the market with a "informal" class.
The lesson was on putting on the armour of God each and every day. We asked for a volunteer to help us and one brave child said ok. Each of us had a piece of armour that we would bring out and “dress” our helper with as we shared what each piece of armour did…. Since we were doing impromtu, we had to use what we had available in the market for objects.
A strap for the belt of truth,
A backpack for the the breastplate of righteousness;
A set of borrowed sandals for feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
A Bible as the shield of faith
A bucket the helmet of salvation
And a stick as the sword of the Spirit
The skit, while laughter carried through the market, was well received by the children and adults.
One of the Ladies, Mary, who was working with us, told me that these children were suppose to “selling” their wares in the market. We prayed over them so that the money the would normally be making would be multiplied because they chose a more valuable place to be.