The entire primary school, 1000+ children trekked to the village of LaseLase for the Easter Church service in the Methodist Church. It has been raining out pretty hard, so this was an adventure. I shared my umbrella to some of the children to try and keep them somewhat dry. But, not all children have umbrellas and so some got wet.
The service was beautiful as the School Chior sang songs of praise and worship. They had a regional pastor come in and share the message of hope and redemption. It was beautiful. Everyone attened, Hindu, Muslim and Christian. No protests, that is the way it is. You go to Easter service.
After service, the Christian teachers did a Easter Celebration Lunch of a traditional Lovo to share with the Hindu and Muslim teachers. Delicious food cooked in an earth oven. Words of thanks to the Lord were given and sweet fellowship. It is one way that the Love of God is expressed…. with Heaps of Food!!!