I now head to Africa. Excited as opportunities to minster keep opening up. Familiar areas with new territories to be explored.
There is a village that was buried with mud. We’re going to minister to the people. It is a remote area, need to go via boat across lake Victoria and up a river.
Should be a spectacular ride none the less. One of my friends told me not to put my hands over the edges as they discovered “prehistoric” fish with gnarly teeth.
Not Parana fish family… flesh eaters.. but just curious ones.. Interesting.. Don’t know if they are right or saw a bad movie!
Anyway, it will also be nice to go back and see the children I was able to teach and interact with before. And visit those in the refugee camp. It will be all good!
This will be a short request, but I’m asking you for your covering as I venture out with a team of 8 from LWCC meeting up with Missionaries who have established ministries there.
1. Please pray for the Nation… May our previously established connections be further solidified and opportunities unfold for us to minister to them.
2. Pray for the missionaries who are currently serving in Uganda, for their ministry to continue to grow and provision to be provided.
3. For the Children… We will be ministering to 6 orphanages. Thank you all who gave toys, toothbrushes, toothpaste, clothes and other items for the Children. Your natural gifts will be greatly appreciated in a nation where there is overwhelming lack.
4. For Protection: Keeping us safe in all of our travels, from mosquitoes (No Malaria), and from any plots and plans of the enemy that will fail.
5. For the gifts and talents and abilities of those on the team to be pulled upon in new ways.
6. For the complete plan God has scripted for our mission to come to pass. There are a few opportunities to venture into new territories. Places we’ve not gone. So for the Spirit of the Lord to make plain and clear the path we are to walk.
May the Holy Spirit of the Lord continue to be your guide and teacher in all that you do and decisions that you make. May the Love of the Lord flood your hearts so you too can give out in a measure the world has not seen.
With Love in Christ who is the giver of Life.