Just a pit stop… change gear and go……Uganda awaits

Today I depart for Uganda. The opportunities to minister to the Children in the homes, go village to village, along with going back to the Refugee camps is planned. This is just a short note to put up prayer requests….. Please join me in praying the following:

1. Please Plead the Blood of Christ over the Team daily
2. Protection as we travel.. no harm or incidents.
3. All luggage to arrive at the end destinations (on the way there and back here) – OH AND FAVOR WITH THE AIRLINES, They are changing the baggage weight restrictions almost daily.
4. All items we have for distribution to be ushered in through customs with out any delays
5. For sanctified food and water…
6. For the Assignments, for all to hear with our ears, receive in our hearts, and embrace all that the Lord is directing us to do.
7. For the Holy Spirit to have absolutely free reign and for us not to lean on any part of ourselves
8. For our eyes to be open to see the people as the Lord sees them
9. For the Children & Widows – James 1:28
10. For the Lord to open effective doors of Ministry ~ new arenas of ministry
11. For prosperity, Spirit (staying strong in the Lord and the power of His might), Soul (to be adjusted quickly and put down self), Body (walking in divine health), and for the continued financial provision for all that is needed to do the work that He has called us to do

My prayers over you all are:
For I thank God for you always, continually in my prayers, for without your continued support, the work of the Lord would not be accomplished on the level that he desires.
For the Love of God to continue to unfold in your hearts in a deeper way. For you to see that you are a reflection of that love and continue to Lift up the Name of Jesus.
For all your needs that you have to be met. For the Last part of the year to be greater than the first. For all to know Him more intimately.

With Love in Christ, Who is the Giver of Life