It is hard to believe that we are three-fourths of the way through 2009. While I’ve not written, please be aware that you were in my prayers.
Some of you know that the first half of 2009 I had to be here in the US. My heart longed to be with the people, but I knew the Lord had me here for a short season.
All to line things up for what is to come…
Preparation… All things that we do are in preparation for what the Lord has in store for us tomorrow. In one of my prayer journals, I had the following written:
"Most of what we go through, what may seem like a huge trial or tribulation to us at the time, is for ministry in the future." That is something that has proved true as I’ve walked this path.
Many of the things that I’ve been through or have done most certainly did not seem like the Lord would use it in the future, but lo and behold, at the right time… my experience or labor, was needed to minister.
My favorite reminder is my 4 years of French in University. I always thought it would be to visit France, tour the Museums, and sit under the Eiffel Tower eating a French Crepe with chocolate sauce.
Yes, I did get to do those things, but it was really preparation to say Avez-Vouz entendu la Bonne Nouvelle. Jesus t’aime et est le Seigneur et le Sauveur. What a wonderful labor it is…
Distributing the Love of God… Tribes, tongues and nations… The uttermost parts of the earth… humbled by the work I am so graciously privileged to do.
Thankful that I have all of you to support me in prayer and supply. I could not do it without you.
What is up next has me so excited on the inside. I am leaving with a small team that will depart today (Thursday) SE Asia. The area that we are to go into is known as the "golden triangle."
It is best known for heron and opium production. Dirty money is abundant, the oppression of the people is huge. Many of those who are oppressed are the children (taken into slavery for all kinds of evil works).
The darkness that radiates out of the region stretches far. As we’ve prayed about our assignment, what keeps being impressed upon my heart is that the work we do will set the captives free in places that are much further away from the center.. Almost starting out from an outer ring and then working it’s way back to the center. Our being there is a direct answer to prayer of the oppressed who have been crying out due to the oppression, "why is my life this way? There has to be more. " And those cries are being made without the full knowledge of God. And that is what we are there to do. Bring Light into the darkness. Allow the Light to dispel what the enemy has tried to keep in darkness.
One group of people who has been very oppressed who live in the region are the Karen people. These people live in along the NE Border of Burma. They have spilled over due to persecution into Thailand, Laos, and S. China.
The Karen people have had to flee their homeland due to the Burmese government. For centuries the government has been abusing and exploiting and now is currently Killing the Karen People. Why??? The answer lies in the history of this people group. The Karen’s had been looking for Y’wa. In their own words, Y’wa created the world in the beginning, Y’wa appointed everything, and Y’wa is unsearchable. In 1817 a missionary named Adoniram Judson landed in Burma with a Bible under his hand. He settled in and translated the Bible into Burmese. It allowed the gospel to go forth to the Karen people first, who rapidly converted because the message was brought to them in an answer to how to be reconciled to Y’wa. The Karen, in turn, became missionaries to reach the other people groups in the region. Part of our trip will bring us to this wonderful group of people. To further share the Love of God and give encouragement to those who are facing persecution because they will not depart from Christianity.
As we travel the area, our outreach will also involve reaching out to the Tai Lue people group. This people group lives along the Mekong River in closely clustered villages. This people group is divided up politically and governmentally among the current border areas of SW China, Burma, Laos and N. Thailand. 90% of the Tai Lue live in what are know as “restricted –access” areas. That is, their host governments limit, suppress, or forbid evangelistic activity. So, they have remained UNREACHED AND UNEVANGELIZED and practically unknown, except to HIM who died for their sins and desires someone to go and share the Gospel of Peace with them.
We are answering the Call of the heart of the Father by going ye… and bringing the gospel to those who have never heard the name of Jesus.
The rest of the ministry will be following the Mekong river and the Holy Spirit as He moves…
As the group who is going has prayed together, many things have been spoken out. My heart jumps with excitement on what the Lord is wanting to do. I ask you too to be a part of our team in prayer…. Over the next few weeks, in your prayer time and as the Spirit of the Lord prompts, please pray for the entire team.
Specific Prayer points are:
1. Unhindered and safe travel. We go into Bangkok and then up to N. Thailand, from there boats along the river.
Pray for cooperative weather so we can reach the destinations that the Lord has appointed for us to reach.
2. For Spiritual strong holds in the area to be broken – Buddhism is practice in much of the area
3. For the hearts of those who will hear to be spiritually awakened to the truth
4. For revival among those who already believe in Him… and for strengthening through persecution.
5. For our reception as we go from one village to another…. Protected from the plots and plans of the enemy as we walk in the Shadow of the Almighty
6. For our food and drink to be sanctified and sickness and disease removed
7. For our physical strength… this will involve jungle hiking and more physical transportation to reach our destinations
8. For the contacts that we are going to make… that will impact our ability to do more work in the future
9. For us as we minister to the orphans ~ let the Love of God spill over freely onto those who He treasures
10. For us to have complete peace as we minister to the lepers
11. For each of us to have a full revelation of the power of God and allow Him to move freely through us
12. For the full manifestation of the Word of God being confirmed by the Holy Spirit
13. For us to walk so close with God that we deposit and receive all that the Lord would have us to do
14. For the missionaries already on the ground in the area… for their needs as they work in hostile areas bringing the Prince of Peace to the people
For anything else that is upon your hearts as you pray. Again, all of your prayer support is so vital. It pulls down strong holds, opens doors, sets things in motion and accomplishes the plan of God.
We can not do it with out your supply..
My prayers over all of you are:
To have a revelation that compassion is not a feeling, it is God. The God of compassion Who loves the people so much, He’s sending us with His message to do His work. For you to view your life as one who is helping God to bring His promises to pass through your support in prayer and supply. For you to realize that you are a dream of God. Your life, your breath, your every step, God has dreamed and planned all that He wants you to do. For You to be determined to live your life to fulfill the promises of God for your life. They are all yes and amen. For all of your needs to be met. For you to continue to prosper and be in health.. For the Father to show you how much I treasure and appreciate all of you.. For the Love of God to overtake you today as you realize the fullness of His presence in your life.. All of this I ask in Jesus name…
With Love in Christ, Who is the Giver of Life