Ministring in the Church at the frist camp….

Carolyn, Danielle, Sarah and I are left at the first camp to do the church service.
Danielle and Sarah will do children’s ministry and Carolyn and I will do the main service.

We start the service by worshipping together.. The people in the camp want to bless us so they are singing in English, and many don’t even speak English. They speak Lumasaba and Ateso in the North ~ different from the Luganda in the South…. We make a request for them to praise and worsihp in their native tongue. It is absolutelty beautiful! Danielle sings Beautiful Jesus and it is such a blessing to the peple and the team to see her gift in operation. After Praise and worship, we split off…

After a warm welcome by Pastor Paul to Carolyn and me. And Carolyn starts speaking her heart on having joy. She shares from her experiences in life and how it was allowing the joy of the Lord in her heart that carried her through. She talked about true joy versus happiness based upon circumstances. When she turned it over to me… I picked up with Hebrews 12.. that it was for the Joy set before Him, that Jesus endured the cross. Shared about the One who is the giver of joy. Then went into teaching on the role of the Holy Spirit and staying filled with the joy.. Eph. 5:18 & 19.

As I was teaching, I had looked back at Pastor Paul and he had a great big smile on his face and was thanking the Lord. The Lord is so good, He responded by flooding the place with His Holy Spirit. Carolyn and I prayed for an extra measure of the Holy Spirit to be upon them individually. New languages were abounding and joy was breaking out. We then werwe led to pray for the sick and the the Lord healed them. Thank you Lord Jesus!

A celebration and praise session broke out that I believe the people were “floating” on the air as they danced. I don’t know how they do it, but they “hover” above the ground. We ended up dancing outside the Church around the building… It was so glorious and wonderful time of praising the Lord. In the middle of Africa, we’re marching around a church! Selah!!! After the praise and worship, Pastor Paul thanked God for having us come. He prayed over Carolyn and me and I know that his thanks were more than just words. One could feel that there was a deep sincerity behind his thanks to the Lord.

As we walked back to where we were going to meet our transport, he turned to me and started to speak, through the interpreter, Pastor Paul told me that in the morning, as he and the elders were reading the bible, he saw a verse about the Holy Spirit. He told the elders that he felt impressed that they should make a special request to the Lord to enlighten them to the role of the Holy Spirit, to send someone to teach about the infilling.

We know that we are answers to prayers, but to me, it is so humbling to know that the Lord used us to be an immediate answer to a prayer that was put up in the morning. Thank you Lord for entrusting us with this special message to deliver at the appointed time.

And to all my Faith Family.. Thank you for your constant prayers for us to hear with the ears of our Spirits and Obey what we are being prompted to do. They help keep us in tune with the spirit and put down the distractions.

Photos of the Church: Those on the inside:
Pastor Paul, Congregation, Musicians (the instrument is a harp)
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Those on the outside: Children of non Christian families looking in through “windows” and doors, longing to be a part of the family…
ch-looking-in.JPG ch-those-on-the-outside.JPG