My second “last day” at the primary school I ended up doing an impromptu devotional for my Class 7 r/j. This class of 60 teens (7th graders) is so special to me. I have been overwhemly blessed by how they pulled on me to share more and more about Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
I stopped in at 11:00 and since they did not have their morning devotional, they asked me for one more. I stood there smiling. I told them that I needed to pray for a minute as this was not planned but I believed that the Lord had a special message for them….
After praying in the Spirit for a few minutes.. the message came..
Jesus did not say “good-bye” rather, Jesus said “I’ll see You later, I’m coming back!!!”
Oh what a grand message about the promised return of our Lord and Savior was shared with the Children.
My parting words, were, “I’m coming back, so I’ll see you later.” They blessed me beyond measure when they replied. “We’ll see you then.”
Thank You Lord, for giving me the honor and privilege of teaching and imparting into these 60 precious “little” ones. I thank You for continuing to pour out Your precious Holy Spirit upon the children and continue to train them up in the way that they should walk. In Jesus Mighty and Matchless Name. AMEN!!!