Sunday Morning Coffee

At coffee/breakfast this morning, Pastor John joined us and shared words to stir us. It is about the Hebrew word Mamre. Which means: When (God) Jehovah spoke something, it was already completed and the appointed plan just needed to be stepped into. It is already finished in the Spirit and Natural, we just need to step into it. God does not start something and leave it unfinished. It is FINISHED when He speaks it.

Heb 11:26 Moses saw the anointing (the call on his life) as greater riches than the treasures in Egypt (Remember, Moses was a part of Pharaoh’s house). He esteemed Eternal things.

Just reaffirmed to my heart what the Lord has been speaking about all of us stepping into what He has planned. Timing is what is key. Timing is revealed through prayer. Whether or not things make sense, stick with it! I know this, I’m sticking with it.