At one house there was a young boy and his mother, who was sick. I had perceived that her illness was actually addition withdrawals.
Thomas, her son, received Jesus as Lord and Savior first. He then asked me if we could pray for his mother. I was prompted to have him pray for His mother to be healed as we laid hands on her.
The earnest, heartfelt prayer of a righteous man avails much. The prayer was beautiful and so from the depths of his heart. The presence of God filled the room and touched her body. Thomas then went with us house to house as we shared and prayed for those who needed healing.
At one house after they received Jesus as Lord, one of them asked the question, “there has to be more doesn’t there?” I said,” yes”, and then shared Acts 1-3, the baptism in the Holy Spirit with fire and power to be a witness. The Holy Spirit filled the house and they all were filled.
At another residence, there were a group of ladies and one could not speak. All the ones who could speak prayed first then we turned our attention to the one would not.
She received Jesus by nodding her head. We then prayed for her to be able to speak…. She started with Hallejuiah and then out came Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus… and then more.
We all rejoiced and praised the Lord. No rock had to take her place!!! Selah!!!!
At the Market, one man walked up to me and told me that he had been fasting for 5 days to find Jesus, could I help him. No sooner than he had received Jesus and was filled with the Holy Spirit that a Lady walked up (I hope to have a photo for this one) and stood there. I asked her if she wanted what he received, “Yes” was her response and she did.
On the last day as we walked back to where we were meeting to return to the church, a Muslim woman walked up to me. She told me “she needed what I had – Jesus.” She was on her way to the mosque for prayer and said a prayer that would change her life. What a Wonderful God We Serve.