The camps are being broken down and UN is pulling out. The goal is to get the people back to their villages. Many have established businesses in the “trading posts” and have a new village and have not left. They have seized established a new village and have decided not to depart.
Yet there are many others who don’t have anything to go back to as it was destroyed. They have a fear of going back and being attacked again.
We visited camp that really was distressed. It was hard for all not to get frustrated with the behavior of the people. They were using deceit and trickery to get more of the aid we brought. It was the Lord who had to let us see beyond the natural and give us hearts of compassion and eyes of love to see that it was, is a “survival” mode they were in.
The people would do anything to get more and more and more. I told P. Bill that I wanted to just stay with each family for a month to help them understand the love of God and get their focus off of themselves. To really look outward to see how they can help their neighbor instead of hording up due to fear of lack.
It is a sincere cry of my heart… Reach them with the Love of God and give them a purpose for their life….let them know that you are their Provider, Strong Tower and One they can run to, Father God.