Something Good is going to happen today
We went into the village of Vatakarissa to minister to some of the church members who were ailing and share the Good News (Tukutuku vinaka). We were asked to go and minister to a man who had had a stroke (Kooki) and could not move his left side. We first ministered on Jesus the healer ~ the one who gives life ~ eternal life, new life & restored life. He prayed to receive Jesus as Lord and be filled. Ministry on Rom 8:11 took place and we prayed for his body to have restored and new life. The Lord revived his body as he was able to put his arms up in the air to praise the Lord and move his fingers. He also could walk without dragging his left leg! Glory to God! He said that when he woke up that morning, something inside of him told him that something really good was going to happen today. He shared with us that he has another doctors appointment as a check up. We encouraged him to pray for those who he encounters at the doctors office to meet Jesus the giver of life!
The Lord told me that I would be healed.
We also visited the hospital to pray for a church member who had been admitted.
Visiting overseas hospitals is a challenge ~ conditions and the way things are handled are very different from what we are use to. I have a friend in the medical field and he stated that missions are hard because of the lack of equipment. I can see the frustrations knowing what is out there in the natural to help others. All of us lack the equipment. That is why the Lord said that He is the one who equips us for the call. At the hospital, in a room there are 4 beds. The “Walls” are partitions that are glass. The ladies and I anointed the church member with oil and prayed. Others could see what was going on. We were asked by another lady, Levina, to come and pray. She was excited that we were there. We prayed for her healing and she shared with us, “The Lord told me that today I was going to be healed and that is what just happened.” And I am ever so thankful to the Lord that the things that are accomplished are not by my might, or by my power, but by His Spirit. The head nurse had passed by the one room as we were praying and said, “I know that these people will be healed because of the Lord.
The Healer was visiting the sick. Glory to God!!