The Village of Mandapeta

We arrive into Mandapeta just after 2:00pm. Mandapeta is considered a village (only 300,000 people) and is situated on the east coast of India on the Bay of Bengal. There is a river that runs through the town and just out side of the main part of town, the river banks are dotted with thatch roofed huts. Along the river banks and lining the rice paddies are palm trees. I feel like I am in Fiji more than in India.

Right in the middle of Mandapeta is High Point Church, founded by Pastor John’s parents many years ago. We are staying in the church compound that has a building to house missionaries. We settle in and rest from all of the travel. It is hot here. 90+ degrees and not a cloud in the sky. The room we have has a fan running to circulate all of the air. Much needed. I know I’ll be drinking plenty of water to keep myself hydrated. Mandapeta is a city that seems not to sleep. The Church and compound are on the main street of the city. Horns seem to be honking almost every minute of the day. Horns are so treasured that many of the vehicles have custom sounding horns. One would think that the circus is going through the middle of town with a band. It took some getting use to especially when I wanted to sleep, I was laughing at the horns in the middle of the night.

Rice Field(l) Huts lining the river (R)

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