Get Soap ~ Give Jesus!

To those who know about me and my favorite soap that is from Fiji. I had to go to the soap factory to buy the soap. They invited me to see the entire operation. The Lord invited the the employees to see how His kingdom operates. Simply put, the soap factory is now part of the family! I wanted to be a blessing, I got more soap!

That was the Best Prayer ever!

A group of Australian families were checking as I was waiting for transport. One of the women, Angie, turned to me and started talking. She asked me why I was here in Fiji. I shared that I was a missionary sharing the gospel of Jesus. As Angie replied, Cool Job a group of children from the families gathered around. Angie then told the kid’s that I had a really cool and the most important job in the world. They asked what it was. I told the kid’s that I got to tell people about how much God loved them and share how they could make sure they would go to heaven one day. Angie said listen to her and I shared gospel with them. The children prayed. Zoe an 8 year old said, That was the best prayer ever. Can you write down the words for me? My ride had arrived and I told her I would write them down, but it would be in a few days since I leaving to minister.

Upon my return, Zoe came to me and said, I still remember the prayer we said. It is the best prayer ever! Did you write down the words? I shared that not yet had time to do so. Later, she came and found me at dinner. She said, I’d like to sit and talk to you. That prayer is the best prayer. And I need to have the words. I gave her a track in English. She saw a track in French and asked for that one too. Zoe shared that she wanted to travel and share the gospel. At that point, Chloe, a young girl Zoe had befriended, came up. Zoe said, We should say the prayer with her too. After sharing with Chole , I opened the track and told Zoe to go ahead and lead Chloe in prayer. She did and it was precious! Another evangelist!!! Glory to God.

I’m understand the method behind the language

Bulamakau is a cow in Fijian. It is said (Bula ma cow).

Cows wonder around the local villages in the area. They are not tied down and are often wondering on or besides the roads. Traffic speed is often determined by if there are cows nearby. Many accidents happen as the cows are surprises to drivers going too fast around blind curves. I shared with the locals that I figured out how the cow got it’s name.

Bula= hello

ma = to the

kau= cow

They all laughed at my logical understanding of the language.

My next question was, if the cows just wonder around, how does one know if your cow goes missing?

Answer, if it does not come back for a week, they may go and look for him!

I’m not dressed for church

I attended the open air crusade service in Nakasi. Instead of the usual sitting in the front, I told the Pastors what I really was impressed to do was be out on the street. As the Word was preached, people passing by stopped and listened. Others heard the message in their homes and were drawn to the crusade, but would not go under the tent. Usually they said they were not dressed for church. I kept encouraging the folks to come as they are. They hesitated to accept the invitation. The Holy Spirit prompted us to just start evangelizing the people who were on the fringe and passing by. The Word was Preached and the Holy Spirit moved on the hearts of people ~ inside and outside the tent ~many came to make a decision for Jesus to be Lord!

I’ll take a salvation with the pineapple fanta!!

Pastor Eliso and I were talking about what the Lord has been doing on my extended stay. One thing that I was sharing with him was the ministry to the Muslims. I explained how I was seeing an open heaven during Ramadan. Many were accepting Jesus Christ, the Son of God, freely as Lord and Savior. Oh how the Light of the World was shining. Somewhere in the conversation, I told Pastor Eliso that I wanted to get something to drink. We walked down to a little shop. Managing the shop was a man named Ehud Muhammad, he was a Muslim Iman. After ordering my drink, I started to share with Ehud how much God loved him. As we talked, I shared God’s plan for redemption through Jesus. After a few minutes, Ehud was praying to accept Jesus, the Son of God, as Lord and Savior to have his eternal life secure in heaven. Glory to God ~ It was a manifestation of what we were just talking about.