The devotional teaching was so much fun and always amazed me. I never really knew which class I would have so I never knew if I was teaching first graders or eighth graders. So, each night I would spend a great deal of time in prayer seeking the Lord on what the devotions should be. My last devotion was one of my favorite devotions. It was based upon Psalm 150… Let Everything that Have Breath Praise the Lord. It was impressed upon my heart to get them all singing and dancing. So I brought praise music and we had one wonderful singing and dancing devotion. It was so beautiful to see the kids fully engaged in giving high praises to the Lord. How sweet it was, as the class I was teaching was the Music Teacher. This I did not know God is good… He knows just what each individual needs ~ and answers!!!
Monthly Archives: October 2007
Equpping of the School
One thing the Lord had laid upon my heart was to “equip” the school with some of the basic needs. The Holy Spirit has given a wonderful way to teach various subjects: history, geography, science and language are a few of the subjects I teach on. Last year, I hand drew maps on the chalkboards. The class rooms did not have world maps. My renderings of the beautiful world the Lord created had Fiji larger than Australia, the US was a rectangle, China was a oval, and Africa was a little displaced. I had petitioned the Lord to help equip the school so the children can learn about all the tribes, tongues, and nations of the world. He provided and I was able to bring 24 world maps (beautiful laminated maps), pencils, pens, crayons, chalk, and other items for the students and teachers.. At an all school assembly, I presented the school with the “equipment” the Lord had provided. It delighted my heart to see the reactions, not only of the students, but the teachers. They were overwhelmed. They do the best that they can do with what they have. To see the Love of the Lord extended in such a way, moves even the hardest of unbelieving hearts.
Heart prayers answered…. A retirement party
One of my heart prayers was to be at the Mission School for the retirement of the Headmaster, Mr. Singh. He had opened up the school for me to teach and preach the Word to all of the children last year.
For the foundation of teaching the word was laid by this individual who had a revelation of how important it was to “train up a child” in the word so they would inherit eternal life. The Lord had honored my request and had me there for the farewell party. Thank you Lord. The acting Headmistress, Mrs. Pretti, opened up the school for me to continue to build upon what the Lord started. Devotions are given every morning to each of the classes. Each day I would have a different class and start the day with the devotion. Oh what joy was in my heart as I saw familiar faces and smiles that showed the fruit remained.
It just goes by sooooo fast!!!!
September and October just went by so fast!!! And, unfortunately, my laptop started acting up on me while I was overseas. TOTHENATIONS.Com was not updated as much as I would have liked it to be.
Good news is that the favor of God is providing me with a new laptop that is better than the one I had originally. Thank you Lord, I walked that one out in Love and the result is a huge Blessing!!!!
I do promise to get some more in depth testimonies out there, because you need to know what you are accomplishing for the Kingdom of God.
A quick recap of what you all helped accomplish:
Mission phase 1 Mid September – A team of 7 Evangelists – Ministered in the Suva area with Living Word on the Rock…. We brought the good news to the streets and villages.
At night we were a part of cell group services. Final count for the mission was 1400+ salvations and hundreds filled with the Holy Spirit. Glory to God.
The night services were so powerful. God is truly pouring out His Spirit upon the people who are open to receive ~ that included the team from the US.
I stood in awe of the move of God and His yearning to touch His people so the illumination of His love is solidified in all the hearts of the people.
Mission Phase 2 – I am going back to Sigatoka… To the Mission School to teach and work with the AOG church on the other side of the island…….
The entire team stayed one night on the other side of island… It is close to the town of Sigatoka. That is the place the Lord set me last year.
I took 2 of my fellow evangelists to town to do a bit of shopping before they were to head back to the States. We ran into many who I met last year ~ many of them were the children from the mission school.
It was starting to be quite a joyous reunion for me. As I said my good byes and the team departed and went back to the US and I once again stepped into another season ~ and another stay in Fiji for a month.