Our first part of ministry was linking up with the LR Church to pray for Ireland and whatever the Holy Spirit of the Lord lead us to pray for. During the prayer, I kept praying out the word Migration, PK teased me after the session saying, “K-it’s immigration, not migration.” And also because I was “face planting” (Falling asleep) due to a lack of sleep on the flights over.
Feeling a bit sheepish (no not because we were in the land of sheep & lack of sleep), I laughed it off.
The night before we departed we were at another prayer meeting. Once again, the word, I kept praying out the word “Migration”.
But then came the explaination. As we prayed, I was taken back to our Uganda trip from July 2010. While we were coming across the plains of Murchirson Park, there was a “stream” of wilderbeasts coming over the hills. This went on for miles. I’ve put the best photo of this I had below, a bit thin in this photo, but it was a massive heard…. a awe inspiring heard.
When they migrate, nobody is saying “Hey, it’s time, we need to migrate.” Rather, something inside prompts them to go…
As they cross the plains, there is much danger, Lions are on the hunt as well as other preditors. Then they come to the Nile River and need to cross the river. But there are the Nile Crocodiles.Yet they still cross the river. They don’t stop and consider the danger, they go…
As we walked and prayed Dublin, I was amzaed that I was not meeting Irish people. Rather, the people I encountered and ministered to were from Poland, Hungary, Romania, and other E. European countires. There were also Asian and S. Americans.
We joked about it… Hey, I came to Ireland but did not meet any Irishmen…
Southern Ireland (Dublin) is part of the EU. You don’t have to have a Visa to enter if you are a citizen of a member nation.
You can also secure work in any EU Country. So that is what was happening. Folks were not immigrating (when you do, you need permission to do so) rather, they were migrating.. I figured it was like moving from New York to Texas…
When I asked “Why Ireland” many stated, they really did not know.. There was something inside that moved them there. I realized that the draw was of the Spirit.. Drawing them to a place out of darkness. Places where the gospel was not allowed to be freely shared to a place wehre they could be in light and receive.