The PH Orphanage a place where you can see what it is like to be loved. Special needs children (which is defined by the government to cover a wide range of special children with challenges clef lips, heart problems, physical, and development) are all there. The founder, Tim, and his wife, Pam, are humble people being obedient to what the Lord has directed them to do. They have been given an open heaven to dispense love and enable the children to receive the necessary medical care and in most cases be adopted into a family. It is an amazing place and I always look forward to our return. All of the children hold a special place in my heart.
I first visited the Orphanage a year ago in Dec. 2005. I was amazed at the vision the Lord had given Tim to for the orphanage. At the time, we walked, prayed and thanked the Lord for the vision. When I was back in May of 2005, I rejoiced with Tim and the staff on how the Lord was bringing the vision to pass. In 6 months many of the buildings were completed and operational. The Children’s park was installed (my role was a slide inspector and made sure the rides were fun ~ All of the slides passed)
On this last trip in Nov/Dec. 2006, I sat and listened to Tim share updates on some of the children and their medical treatment. He then moved on to the list of Children that were waiting for treatment. One by one, name by name, he listed off each child. Tim has 7 children (4 from China) but as I listened, I realized that really he had 117 children (many more who have been adopted out). I could hear the love and passion for reaching the children in his voice. I kept thinking to myself, wow, here is a man of faith!! He talked about how 10 years ago when the Lord spoke to him about the orphanage, he did not know how it would come to pass. Now here we sat rejoicing about what the Lord has done, doing and will do. He asked us to join him in prayer for the funds to perform the surgeries and other needs to be met. There is one more house yet to be funded. If any of you have it on your heart to assist with the building of the last house, let me know and I’ll get you hooked up with Tim and the PH Foundation. PH is really really treasured to me.