Following the Spirit of the Lord!

This week I’m out of school as I’ll be ministering in the interior and valley. Today it was filling the believers with the Holy Spirit (House calls) and then some salvations on the way to and from All wonderful!!!!!

I came back “home” and went for a walk on the beach at sunset to pray and praise the Lord. On my way back, there is a young boy named Mohammad (now a Christian) who is in Class 7r/j that I have been doing devotionals for over the past three weeks. He called my name and I went over to him. He said “You were not in school today”. I said “you’re right, I’m out this entire week.” I asked him who did the devotional today?

His response touched my heart.. He said “No one” but the entire class sang a song and prayed. I asked what they sang and he told me “I’ve got the Holy Ghost and Fire.” The song is one of the Spirit inspired songs that I was given and have taught the children.

It talks about having the Holy Ghost and fire and what we are to do…. So for the entire class to sing the song when I’m not there is wonderful. It shows that the Spirit is truly leading the class and they are following Him!!! Praise the Lord. Just follow the Spirit.

In the beginning.. new words to hear….

I am having a bible study with my caretakers wife, Nelishni. She had prayed with me earlier to receive Jesus, but she was still following after some Hindu gods. Nelishni and her husband really desire to have a child and have not been able to conceive. She knows that Jesus is the healer and she’ll have a baby.. If only she can grab on and hold on. So today, after literally starting in Genesis, she made the decision to “fully follow Christ.”

I have a getting the grips of the basics faith book that now has her name on it, and as we did chapter 1, I realized that she did not know how God created man. She had never heard the opening line of the bible. We had to start with the very beginning before we could even go to the redemption part.

I tell you , this was a sweet “first” discipleship/bible study I’ve had. So the bible study lasted almost 3 hours. End the end, she acknowledged that Jesus was the only Way and Truth. We even talked about removing all the idols from her house because God is a jealous God. I told her she had to do it. I said, I know it is a big change, but You’re a new person today.

She smiled big. She took the study book with her and will come back to complete the rest of the lessons over the rest of the time I’m here. She told me that when I leave, she’ll need a huge bucket to catch all the tears she’ll be crying. Sweet!


I have An Excellent Spirit Song…

The following was given to Class 7r/j during our devotional time. It was a melody put into my heart and then words were given as we went through the devotions on what having an Excellent Spirit can do….

The children then added to it as we continued to build with the words the Lord put in their hearts as we sang.

I have an excellent Spirit, oh I have an excellent Spirit,

I have an excellent Spirit, who will help me stand and fight (King David)
I have an excellent Spirit who will never let me turn and run in fright.

I have an excellent Spirit, who Protects me through the night (Daniel)
I have an excellent Spirit who guides me by the light

Yes I have an excellent Spirit,

I have an excellent Spirit, who will keep me in the fire (Shadrach, Meshach and Abendego)
I have an excellent Spirit who will spark a new desire.

I have an excellent Spirit, who helps me see success (Gideon)
I have an excellent Spirit who will helps me do my best

Yes I have an excellent Spirit,

I have an excellent Spirit, who guides me during the day (Students)
I have an excellent Spirit who always shows me the way

I have an excellent Spirit, who puts joy in my heart (Students)
I have an excellent Spirit who puts bubbles in my belly.

Yes I have an excellent Spirit,

I have an excellent Spirit, who will help me with all I do (Students)
I have an excellent Spirit who will never leave me alone.
I have an excellent Spirit who gives me wisdom and grace.
I have an excellent Spirit who puts a smile on my face.

Yes I have an excellent Spirit,

I have an excellent Spirit, who makes me sing and dance (Students)
I have an excellent Spirit who makes me really happy!

Oh, I have an excellent Spirit, yes I have an excellent Spirit,
Thank you Lord for your excellent Spirit….

The Singers….
Excellent Spirit1 exs1.jpg exs3b.jpg

An Excellent Spirit ~ Seeing yourself as God called you…

Gideon was the a young lad who was the least of the family from from the least of families from the least of the tribes of Israel.
He had a self esteem problem as he did not see himself to be worthy in anything he did.
God saw Gideon in a different light. He called him a mighty man of fearless courage before he even had gone into a battle.
The Lord told Gideon that he’d be with him… But, Gideon still doubted God and asked him for a sign. Well, after about 3 signs, Gideon finally believed God would do what He said he would do. Gideon finally saw himself as able because of God.

The Lord delivered Israel through Gideon…

Gideon had an excellent Spirit…. who will help him see success…..

An excellent Spirit…Know Your God!

King Nebuchadnezzar made a decree when the sound of music was heard, that the people were to fall down and worshp the golden image that he set up. There were three young lads named Shadrach, Meshach and Abendego refused to depart from the one True living God and bow their knee.

The King was in a rage about it. He called the three before him and told them for them to bow down or be thrown into the furnace. He challenged them further saying “WHO IS THAT GOD WHO CAN DELIVER YOU OUT OF MY HANDS?”

Well the three of them said, it was not necessary for them to answer on that point. If the God who they served is able to deliver them out of the buring fiery furnace, He will deliver them out of the hand of the King. If not, it wouldn’t matter, they still would never serve the god that he set up.

This put the king in a fury and he ordered that the furnace be heated Seven times hotter than it usually was heated.
He had them bound up and strong men throw them into the furnace. The furnace was so hot that the men who threw them in died with out going in.

But Shadrach, Meshach and Abendego landed in the furnace and were loosed with a fourth man in the furnace that “Looked like the Son of God.”

The King saw this and called them out. They saw that the fire had no power upon their bodies, their hair was not singed, their garmets were not scorched and the smell of smoke did not cling to them.

The King changed his position (a new desire was sparked) and said “Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abendego, Who has sent HIS angel and delivered his servents who believed in, trusted in and relied on Him!

Shadrach, Meshach and Abendego had an excellent Spirit… who kept them from the fire and sparked a new desire…