Following the dream in your heart…….

On my flight from Mpls to Amsterdam, I met a lovely gentleman named Donald. He is from Scotland and works for a medical company.  He does compliance checks all over the world. Quite a bit of his time is spent in MN. He started a conversation about following the dreams in our hearts. He asked me what I do…… My answer, Follow the dream that is in my heart….. Sharing the Love of God with tribes, tongues and nations. We talk about my travels and how I make the decisions on where to go and what I do. Although our work for the gospel varies, it always has to come down to one thing: Sharing the Good News and ensuring that all who are in front of me have the opportunity to know in their hearts that they will go to heaven one day. I ask Donald that very question.. At the time of departure from Minneapolis, Donald was not sure. Once we arrived in Amsterdam, Donald had peace in his heart on where eternity would be spent!!! Jesus had became Lord! He told me that he was so thankful to have been seated next to “such a nice person on the flight”. Thank you Lord for the seat assignment.

India Prayer Request

Prov 29:18 Where there is no vision (redemptive revelation of God) the people perish.

There is a group of Hindutva extremism that has become a shadow over India. They have gained a measure of political power. The ideology of “India is Hindu only” has allowed for persecution, intimidation and violence against Christians. Hindus still long for a true communion with the Creator that only Jesus can give. Hinduism has an emotional appeal, yet in their search after fulfillment and purpose, they are still unsatisfied and empty. The team needs to help unite Christians and encourage believers to be courageous and much more sure of themselves in the faith than ever, speaking out fearlessly about God, about the Messiah in the face of widespread persecution. India operates on a caste system. Even though the Constitution states equality, it is socially important for over 80% of the population. Each of the castes operates as a separate group because of the social barriers that separate them. Please pray that we’ll be sensitive to the caste networks and facilitate people movements to Christ, but also through being touched by the love of the Lord, the elimination of the dividing wall of society. The people of India need a touch from heaven.

I ask you to agree with me in prayer over the following:

For Persecutors: Acts 9 Pray that those instigators will encounter the Lord Jesus, repent of their evil and find forgiveness in Christ.

For Believers: Eph 4:12 People will be sent for the edifying of the Saints so that they will endure the hardships. Phil 1:12-14 (message). And the report will read: imprisonment has had the opposite of its intended effect, instead of being squelched, the Message has actually prospered.

For demonstration of Christ in Word and Deed:

John 14:6 For the Way, Truth and Life to be made known That Christians may so demonstrate true spirituality and the life of Christ indwelling that many will find their desires met in Him.

Mark 16:15-18 Signs Wonders and Miracles accompanying the Preached Word

For social barriers to be removed: Eph 2:4 For He is our peace (our bond of unity and harmony). He has made us both one body, and has broken down (destroyed, abolished) the hostile dividing wall between us.

More to come with how your prayers have been answered.

Going to a new land

India Feb/Mar 2007

Greetings Faith Friends!! 2007 is moving right along. I’ve been updating the website as I’ve been to and from the mission field.  I’m trying to get more web savvy to keep you all updated, so please be patient with me.  My vision is that you will be stirred when you read of what the Lord is doing by using you and me to reach a lost and dying world.   I will send out prayer requests as I go out (your supply in the realm of Prayer is treasured and much needed). Due to the sensitive nature of the countries I’m in, some of what I write to the blog has to be done when I return.

Going Ye ~ Where to next:

My missions to Fiji have deposited something inside of me that is being expanded upon this week. Two primary people groups live in Fiji: Native Fijians “Islanders” and India Fijians “Indian’s”.  The Indian’s were brought over as slaves by the British and now make up almost 50% of the population.  My missions there have enabled me to developed relationships with many of the Indian people.  They have invited me into their homes, had me partake in special meals and even taught me to dress myself in a sari. Daniel (Jiten), the school teacher, and I talked about the culture, customs and people. It is these precious exchanges and experiences that give me a deeper understanding of the people. Many of those I met asked me if I had been to their homeland India.  My response was not yet, but maybe one day. When I returned to the US, I found the people of India in my heart.   I started to see more and more of them everywhere I traveled.

My prayers have always been, where You go, Lord, I will follow.  If you don’t go with me, I will not go.   On the 2007 Missions schedule, a trip was listed for India.  I went and gathered information, but did not commit.  I kept trying to talk the Lord out of me going rationalizing: “it’s just me that wants to go, timing is off, and I have many things here that need to be done, and I don’t have to go anywhere, I’ve really not been home much.. etc

The Lord is good, as we keep our hearts right towards Him, He will always lead and guide us to take the right steps. After a few good sleepless nights and more prayer, I submitted to what the Lord was speaking to my heart ~ Go to India. On this Thursday, I’ll be departing on my first trip to India. Inside of me, I’m really stirred and excited.  The time already spent ministering to the Indian people has given me some insight, but I am expecting more to come from this adventure.